About Us

Kale University
was a dream of 4 "plant-based foodie eating" friends living in San Diego, California. This site has undergone many changes and has always come back to being a resource -based free site. Our core creed is to be K.A.L.E. (K.ind, A.live, L.earning and E.xploring)
If even one person gets inspired or finds some useful information they need to help improve their health, we have accomplished our goal. We also invite you to reach out in a kind way and contribute if you are drawn. If your proposal meets our mission and vision we would love to hear from you.
Ken Dorr and Mario Marchiaro are two of the main content providers and can be contacted for personal health consultations.
They have decades of experience in the health and wellness arena and have facilitated Retreats, Public Speaking Forums, Meetup Potlucks, Documentary Screening nights, Entertainment Evenings, Fundraisers, Animal Awareness Rallies and Healing Protocols for individuals in need of some guidance.
Ken resides in Europe with his Husband Mario and is passionate about healthy food and plant based recipes. His background includes being an Executive Chef at The Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, California and one of the founder’s of KALE University. Ken is a researcher of medicinal plants and spices. Currently he’s retired and yet he’s reachable for Public Talks and health consulting. Ken and Mario are also Artists and love to create outside the kitchen. Check out Kenario.com to see some of their fine art.

Mario Marchiaro
Mario’s passions include the planet’s health and that of all living beings. His lifestyle reflects his connection and commitment to a peaceful and harmonious world. He is an avid learner, entertainer and explorer.
One of Mario’s exciting creative outlets and alter-ego creations can be explored at Party Drag.
Numbers Speak For Themselves!

Certified Products
If you know the farm and farmer are growing organic food, Great! If not go Certified Organic.
It's important to pick quality Organic Products!

- Fresh fruits
- Dry fruits
- Fresh vegetables
- Dried and fresh herbs
- Clean beauty products
- Plant- based milk products
- Organic tea
- No alcohol tinctures